Saturday, January 26, 2013

Systems for a Sane Home

Transitions and change sure know how to wreak havoc in our lives.  I have heard of friends posting about sleep patterns, new foods, potty training, new jobs, marriages and such so I know I am not alone.  In my own household we could describe almost that whole list and more and it is only January.  I apologize for not being as present here as I had hoped from the start.  It is a change for me and my home and I am still working on getting the time management in its place.  There are many things I want to share and learn so I am committed to getting more in this blog with the assistance of anyone who wants to contribute.

The routine... How do you SAHM, WAHM, part time and full time moms do it?  How have you worked your day logistically so that for the most part, everything gets done AND there is room for a little bit of extra?  I want to know what you have tried and what actually worked.  I love the idea of dry-erase boards or chalkboard calendars/daily schedules but how do you stick with them and make them work?  What baby steps can one take to help get there without setting them up for frustration or failure? 

Here is what I am attempting to do this week.  I am in an epic battle to get my kids to help out.  I think that their contributions would reduce my stress-level and then I could really get those tasks done!  I have a picture of the "chore chart" I recently purchased below.  I'll report back on how it works.  Any suggestions on how your "chore charts" or strategies have worked are very welcome.

Also, I am installing a "one major chore" a day schedule.  Laundry on Sunday, dusting on Tuesday, type of thing.  I am sick of waking up on to Saturday and having to gut out the whole house!  What type of cleaning regiment do you have functioning in your house?  Leo Babauta writes a great article on getting started.  He describes one of the steps to starting this type of system is starting with a clean slate.  Guess what my weekend has been and will consist of... (  Looking forward to getting into it and coming out cleaner, happier and more sane:) 

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